Watching An Inspirational Movie
In order to further broaden the space of moral education in the Senior High Department, and enrich students' extracurricular life, on the evening of 21st October, the Senior High Department organized students to watch an inspirational movie to promote their healthy growth.
To be concrete, the movie ‘Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story’ was shown at the viewing event, which told the story of Liz, a girl who grew up in New York, who went through hardships in her life and finally entered Harvard University, the highest institution, with her own efforts. In fact, this film was recommended by Principal Assistant Xu Zuitai. Moreover, Deputy Director Xu Haihong of the Senior High Department, head teachers in charge of Grade 10 and some teachers watched the movie with the children, which had a strong impact on them, after which many students expressed their feelings in that if they want to achieve their goals, as long as they have a dream in their heart, obstacles can't stop them from moving forward. Instead, as long as they stick to their dreams and make unremitting efforts, they will succeed.
To sum up, the road to the dream is full of thorns and frustrations, and there are laughter and tears along the way. Therefore, only by staying true to our original intention can we win the ultimate success. Additionally, we should keep our faith, carry our dreams, and work hard to achieve our goals in life!


